Eile uurisin taaskord oma sahtlipõhje ja erinevaid mappe ja kõike muud. Leidsin päris mitmeid kritseldusi ja paberilehti ning lõputult tuli ...
Understand, this is who I am.
Meid ümbritsevad alati inimesed, kes meie õnnestumistest rõõmu ei tunne ning kõikvõimalikul moel neist erinevaid põhja suruda üritavad. Ma e...
I want you closer, is it ok?
Back off loneliness and hello tenderness. I've been waiting for your call for so long. And it must been hard just to follow your soul to...
These streets.
Hellõu. Viimased kolm päeva olin omadega Tartus. Tuleb tõdeda, et vanasti Dorpatiks kutsutud Tartu on ikka tõepoolest nii meeletult heade mõ...
Searching for the chance that I've lost somehow.
Where'd the days go? When all we did was play and the stress that we were under wasn't stress at all. Just a run and a jump into a h...
Last request.
I want to pull away when the dream dies the pain sets in and I don't cry. I only feel gravity and I wonder why do all good things come t...
Zsa zsa zum.
Belive it or not, aga ma olen praeguseks hetkeks täpselt 5 tundi jutti vaadanud "Sex and the city’t” , magustoiduks lisandina pealelõun...
Thanks for the memories.
I remember that I can still feel you. Sometimes I’m blind but I see you. You are here but so far away. You’ve gotten into my system. You are...
Violet hill.
Nobody said it was easy, it's such a shame for us to part. Nobody said it was easy, no one ever said it would be this hard. See teeb sii...
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