
Time is gonna take my mind and carry it far away where I can fly.
The depth of life will dim my temptation to live for you.
If I were to be alone silence would rock my tears 'cause it's all about love and I know better how life is a waving feather.

So I put my arms around you around you and I know that I'll be leaving soon.

My eyes are on you they're on you
and you see that I can't stop shaking. No, I won't step back but I'll look down to hide from your eyes 'cause what I feel is so sweet and I'm scared that even my own breath.
Oh could burst it if it were a bubble and I'd better dream if I have to struggle.

I'm dancing in the room as if I was in the woods with you. No need for anything but music
Music's the reason why I know time still exists.

Nädalavahetus on täiesti korda läinud. Dagö oli super! Võin lausa öelda, et see oli selle suve parim üritus. Jäin nii rahule.
käisime hõumidega saarel. Mhm, õhtul tuli idee, et läheks grillima ja kohaks valiti teine Sõsarsaar. Võtsime Gerdi isa paadi, meid oli ikka üsna palju seal, põhimõtteliselt kõik omad olid
koos. Nii mõnus
oli paadiga loksuda, ilm oli super, unustamatu vaatepilt. Kvaliteetaeg! Kõigele
heale l
isaks peab ära mainima, et see on superäge koht! Kunagi peaks sinna isegi mõneks päevaks ära kaduma, telgid kaasa ja minek.

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