Second chances they don't ever matter, people never change . Once a whore you're nothing more, I'm sorry, that will never change...
What a beautiful lie to belive in.
susI am finding out that maybe I was wrong that I've fallen down and I can do this alone. Stay with me, this is what I need, please? T...
I caught myself.
How can I decide what’s right, when you’re clouding up my mind? I’m screaming, I love you so, on my own. My thoughts you can’t decode. Ime...
Never think.
I ain't got no fight in me in this whole damn world. Tell you to hold off. You choose to hold on. It's the one thing that I've k...
Ja nii armus lõvi tallekesse.
Ma ei suutnud kiusatusele vastu panna ja uurisin netist ega kuskil "Twilighti" filmi üleval pole. Minu õnneks leidsin ja tirisin a...
Don't leave my heart. If you stay with me, honestly, it's what I want.
There's so much craziness surrounding me. There's so much going on it gets hard to breath. When all my faith has gone, you bring it ...
Final fantasy.
Pean siiski tunnistama, et ajastus on mul siiski kõikidest inimestest kõige parem. Eile, täpselt sel hetkel, kui ma oma sissekande lõpuni jõ...
Streetlights glowing.
It happened to be just like moments passing in front of me. So I hopped in the cab and I paid my fair, see I know my destination but I'm...
See you in my nightmares.
Nii kuradi negatiivne ja muserdunud olek on. Eelkõige halva tervisliku seisundi tõttu. Ei ole kuigi normaalne, et keset keemia tundi lihtsal...
Stephenie Meyer "Videvik".
"Ma olen niivõrd arg, et minu kõrval muutub Smargagdlinna Lõvi ka Terminaatoriks. " Kell on üks läbi viisteist minutit, öösel. Lõp...
Breathe in the air if you care.
Nothing can compare to when you roll the dice and swear your love's for me. Teate ju isegi seda tunnet, kui lausa tahaks teatud inimeste...
Sick of playing these games.
No matter what you say about life, I learn every time I bleed. The truth is a stranger. Soul is in danger. I gotta let my spirit be free to ...
I let my nightmares go.
Tänane õnnelause: Sul on potentsiaalne plaan ja võimed see täide viia. Plaan mul on. Ja on olemas ka head mõtted selle elluviimiseks. Kui k...
I used to dream.
Now I'm singing on the top of the world. Ühes sissekandes mainisin, et loodetavasti muutub minu vaheaeg tänu meedialaagrile palju parema...
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