I hurt myself today, to see if I still feel. I focus on the pain, the only thing that's real. Try to kill it all away but I remember eve...
It's time for a love revolution.
You are the only one I've ever known that makes me feel this way, couldn't on my own. I wanna be with you until we're old. You...
Lonely day..
Such a lonely day and its mine. The most loneliest day of my life. Such a lonely day should be banned. This day that I can't stand. Such...
Too early to say goodbye.
You watch the season pull up its own stage and catch the last weekend of the last week. Before the gold and the glimmer have been repla...
What do you want from me?
I looked away, then I looked back at you. If I had my way, I'd never get over you. You're the only one, I'd be with till the end...
Where is the love?
It just ain't the same, always unchanged. New days are strange, is the world insane? If love and peace is so strong, why are there piec...
Sümpaatne puravik.
Hey. Ütleme nii, et asjad hakkavad väikestviisi paremaks muutuma. Asjad lahenevad. Täna, kui koolist koju kõndisin, mõtlesin asjade üle järe...
Same old story.
Keep you in the dark, you know they all pretend. Keep you in the dark and so it all began. Send in your skeletons. Sing as their bones g...
Elu on kui autopesula, kust proovid jalgrattaga läbi sõita.
Kuulen mõtteid ilusad vaid hetkel siis kui mõtlen sinust. Pole südames mul kerge seda sulle ütelda, ma ei taha enam oodata, mul pole vaja. T...
Naised ilma meesteta pole midagi. Mehed ilma naisteta pole sedagi.
Tell me, whats the definition of love? Hey. Ma seekord ei kirjuta siia enda nö tavalist(mõttetut) blogi, et mida ma tegin ja kus ma käisin. ...
Naer annab inimesele tagasi jõu, mille võtsid talt pisarad.
One touch can bring us closer, don't want this to be over. You know that you complete me, your love is what I need. Don't rush to ...
Elu pole mõõdetav selle järgi, kui mitu korda me sisse-välja hingame, vaid nende hetkede järgi, mis võtavad meid hingetuks.
What you don't know, I have studied the way you walk. What you don't know is I've already kissed you in the shadows of my heart...
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